Finding and Ordering Chemicals
(0) Set up CAS-searching bookmarklets to check chemical prices fast.
Before ordering a chemical you want:
(1) Search our TS Group Chemical Database by CAS. NB: Common reagents, salts, solvents, NMR solvents, fluorophores/chromophores/indicators, etc are Available Downstairs cheaply (full list).
(2) Search DAMARIS by CAS (all CUP groups). For bio reagents / enzymes / buffers: just ask around the Department. Can also try Wanner, Trauner/Didier, LMU Chemstore old databases.
(3) Still no hits? Vendor overviews at ChemSpider and PubChem, or go direct for:
- Chemicals: BLDPharm, Alfa (10% off), TCI Germany (10%), ChemPur (distributor for FluoroChem, 10€/delivery), Carbosynth and Clearsynth (cheap bioactives/intermediates), Fisher Scientific (distributor for Acros & Maybridge, 20%), VWR, Merck/Sigma (15%-ish); sometimes ABCR (15€/delivery) OK for unusual chemicals.
- Bioactives & bio-relateds: Biozol, Linaris, Biomol (distributor for LC Labs), Hölzel, Carbosynth, Clearsynth, Cayman.
- Basic chemicals & solvents: Carl Roth.
- Equipment: Carl Roth, NeoLab, VWR, Fisher Scientific.
- Glassware: FengTecEx (DE) & Chemglass (US).
- Isotopes: (typ. local distributors of intl suppliers such as CIL) Eurisotop, LGC, Labmix24, etc
- Small/custom suppliers: only if >100€ cheaper (shipping and tax forms). Apollo Scientific (+25€ delivery + taxes), Activate Scientific (+ delivery + taxes). Avoid Enamine, Interchim and Combi-Blocks. Use German distributors (ChemPur for FluoroChem, Fisher for Acros/Maybridge) for lower costs and no delays.
- Specialty suppliers: Strem (metals, catalysts, organometallics; 10€/delivery), Carbolutions (amino acids).
Got the cheapest deal? Enter your order on our web spreadsheet (get the share link from anyone in the group).
CAS-searching bookmarklets:
In your browser, create new bookmarks with the following javascripts instead of web addresses. Then, with a CAS number highlighted on any webpage, click the bookmark and it'll search that chemical supplier for the CAS number for you (test CAS: 62-53-3). (ChemPur and Linaris run .php websites, can't jump-search them yet)
Overviews: ChemSpider javascript:(function(){""+getSelection().toString().replace(/%20/g,''))})() PubChem javascript:(function(){""+getSelection().toString().replace(/%20/g,''))})() Standard: BLD javascript:(function(){,''))})() TCI javascript:(function(){""+getSelection().toString().replace(/%20/g,''))})() Alfa javascript:(function(){""+getSelection().toString().replace(/%20/g,''))})() ChemPur javascript:(function(){"")})() Sigma javascript:(function(){""+getSelection().toString().replace(/%20/g,'')+"&interface=CAS%20No.&N=0&mode=match%20partialmax&lang=en®ion=DE&focus=product")})() Fisher Scientific javascript:(function(){""+getSelection().toString().replace(/%20/g,''))})() VWR javascript:(function(){""+getSelection().toString().replace(/%20/g,''))})() Carl Roth javascript:(function(){""+getSelection().toString().replace(/%20/g,'')+"&componentuid=SearchBox")})() abcr javascript:(function(){""+getSelection().toString().replace(/%20/g,''))})() Custom / Specialty: CarboSynth javascript:(function(){""+getSelection().toString().replace(/%20/g,''))})() ClearSynth javascript:(function(){""+getSelection().toString().replace(/%20/g,''))})() Linaris javascript:(function(){"")})() Biozol javascript:(function(){""+getSelection().toString().replace(/%20/g,''))})() Hölzel javascript:(function(){""+getSelection().toString().replace(/%20/g,''))})() Cayman javascript:(function(){""+getSelection().toString().replace(/%20/g,''))})() Carbolutions javascript:(function(){""+getSelection().toString().replace(/%20/g,'')+"&x=0&y=0")})() |
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Legacy: for bookmarklets that replace the current tab (if your browser won't allow new tabs) see here.