What to prepare when arriving in the group
Jump To: Get your Contract, Access the Facilities, IT Accounts [Faculty], Internet, IT Setup [Group]
* Print off a Laufzettel (Laufzettel for MSc / PhD / postdocs; Laufzettel for interns incl BSc, F-Prak, HiWi).
Your introduction is complete when the Laufzettel is completed (hand to OTS/supervisor).
Quickstart in Lab:
Chemists: logins for chem lab e-journal + chemical inventory; and Damaris CUP chemical databases;
Biologists: logins for Benchling bio lab e-journal, Bioreagent spreadsheet, chemical inventory (as BioUser);
Praktikants: additionally get a "Praktikant" login for a desktop computer if needed.
Ask around if you are missing something. And send a lab photo to Oliver for the group website.
All Incomers (BSc / F-Prak / MSc interns as well as PhDs & postdocs)
All: Send your CV and university grades transcripts (Notenspiegel) to Oliver.
Interns: add your supervisor, project title, start date in the lab, planned end date in lab & hand-in date of the report.
PhDs: you also need to register yourself within 3 months of starting, at the Promotionsbüro (Fr. Wührer). This also gets you immatrikuliert and an MVG student card. Infos hier & Anleitung; see too guide for 2020/21.
=> General rule: ask someone else in the group who arrived recently - they are your best help to get started.
Start preparing yourself early. The LMU Gateway service should provide help on pretty much everything.
When you arrive in Munich, go to the "KVR" (KreisVerwaltungsReferat at Poccistraße) to register your arrival and residence in Munich with the city authorities. They'll give you a residence certificate that you'll need to do everything else. Take your passport (and visa if needed) and a dated proof of your address (can be a written declaration signed by your landlord or someone you live with, or a utilities bill addressed to you; make sure it states your address and corresponds to your date of arrival at that address). You need to do this within 7 days of arriving in the city, and renew the registration when you move to each new residence.
Get Your Contract (PhD, postdoc)
(1) Christin Scharping works in the Personnel service. She needs your (a) full name (b) address (c) start and end dates of contract (d) fulltime or part-time (e) project/funding that pays you (f) your private phone and email (g) your CV (h) BSc, MSc, PhD transcripts (marks) and certificates. With this she will start preparing a contract then will later send you some forms to sign.
(2) Upon arrival in Munich, you'll need to sign your contract and confirm allegiance to the Bavarian constitution in Christin's office. You do this before, or at the latest on, the start date of your contract.
Access to Facilities
(4) For getting access to the facilities, be in contact several weeks before you start. You'll need a transponder (opens inside doors) and a white access card (opens external doors and the NMR door). To get them, sign two "Schließberechtigung" application forms (or use this copy). For "what rooms you need access to" write "Gruppenkennung Thorn-Seshold, G1 und G2"; chemists add also F4.051 NMR. Drop the forms off at "Pforte" reception desk (ground floor of building C); pick up the goods a week or two later at the Pforte.
(5) Before you are allowed to start any experimental work, you need to get a safety introduction from one of your lab colleagues, then get it validated by Lars Allmendinger (chem labs) and/or Julia (bio labs) - there is a form to sign at the end, only then is the lab insurance valid. You cannot do any lab work until this form is signed (give to Oliver).
(6) Apply for an "LMU Card" when you're here. It's your combined Mensa card, access card, ID card etc. See also this.
(7) You need to get a white barcode card to buy chemicals (add the liquid nitrogen option).
(8) To get an account for the walk-on 400 MHz NMR in F4.051, email request to Carrie Louis cc Oliver.
Computer Logins / Accounts outside the group
* For detailed IT setup look to our website's computer setup page. If in doubt, google it, then ask the group IT person.
(9) Eduroam, LRZ wifi, CUP email service, and Scifinder registration logins: get them a week in advance with help from our IT responsible person, else Christoph Singer / Bernhard Veith. When you have a CUP email, get it added to the group email lists (see IT person or OTS). (You can get the CUP "xxx@cup.uni-muenchen.de" email yourself from Stephan Wildner: building C, ground floor, next to the main entrance/Pforte, phone: 77869)
(10) LMU user ID for Portal (access a range of LMU services and forms, including transponder form, sick leave form, etc). Gabriele Hartl will provide your first login data; upon arrival you then activate your account online.
(11) Chemlab: get a user account to the chem inventory + chem lab journal from OTS or your labmates. Biolab: get an account for the Benchling bio lab journal from JA.
(12) Damaris (cross-campus chemical registry and safety documentation) - you need to email an application for an account there to Samuel Kiss; ask Oliver to do it once you have your CUP email address.
(*optional) Logins for the WannerWiki (online resources) and Wanner Network (older desktop computers): Ben Winkler is migrating us away from the Wanner network but the WannerWiki has lots of useful info: see Jörg Pabel to get access to these, when you arrive.
Internet, Network & WiFi
* For IT setup look on our computer setup page. If in doubt, google it, then ask the group IT person.
The LRZ is an IT organisation that supports Bavaria, providing eg. wifi coverage, VPN access, and fileshare systems to supercomputing clusters. The LMU has some of its own IT systems but often uses LRZ software or services.
(13) Set up your laptop's wifi to connect to "eduroam" wifi network preferentially (worldwide universities and schools), and to the "BayernWLAN" and "LRZ" wifi networks as a backup (public places in Bavaria). These wifi networks will cover you all around campus including in offices.
(14) Install and set up the current VPN client as directed by the LRZ; Mac has an inbuilt easier option now.
The network server of Building C is "glutamin"; it holds a lot of shared resources, and can be accessed via 2 levels of connection: internal (controlled, safe) and external (not controlled), via Ethernet cable (or by secure FTP-type connection). By default all laptops will be configured so that when hooked into Ethernet cable they are "external"; desktops can be internal or external depending on use.
(15) Set up your laptop so that when plugged into Ethernet LAN cable it accesses the network as "external". This connection lets you surf the internet and synchronise to LMU/LRZ servers very fast, and gives your laptop an IP address from inside the LMU allowing you to access IP-restricted services for LMU staff (journal subscriptions, software downloads, authorised access to email & servers, etc). You need to get a fixed IP address for your ethernet port/adapter and use manual network settings to force this configuration to work. Win laptop users have to install an antivirus and firewall and show a clean result of a full scan, or you won't get network access.
(*being updated as of 2020) Our old desktop computers are connected by Ethernet LAN cable "internal" to the Wanner Network, which is set up so you can log in on any of these computers with your Wanner login/password to move easily between computers. These are being migrated to a new LRZ system during 2020. If applicable, MSc and PhD students can get a personal login and password (see Jörg Pabel) to use the old network.
IT resources within the group
(16) Work through our software page's list of programs you need to run your work computer / laptop in our group.
(17) The group's Google account has calendars (meetings, lectures, equip booking) & spreadsheets (e.g. Chemicals and Materials ordering) that you will need. Get the login details from anyone, and add the account on your devices. There is also a group Slack channel, get an invitation from anyone.
* Managing logins/admin/intro for our IT is a group job. When in doubt, google it, then ask the group IT person.
* Open Inventory hosts our chemistry lab journal & database. Interns: get your supervisor to set up an account linked to theirs. Bios: There is a common login for bios to access the chem database without using the lab journal system.
* Benchling hosts our bio lab journal, get an LMU account from Julia. Our bio database is on the group Google account.
(18) We use both Dropbox and LRZ Sync + Share as group fileshare services to synchronise project folders & results across devices, and share with colleagues. Once you have your CUP email address, get an LRZ invitation from IT Czar (the email address it was sent to is now your username; all folder invitations must go to that address): you'll get an email telling you to activate your email address as a new user; do that and set your password. Then you get to the web browser interface; from there download and install the LRZ Client program onto your computer/s. Use the client to log in to your account, and choose which invited folders to maintain synchronised with your hard drive, and where you want to store them locally. Once that is done, do not delete or move those folders around using your file browser: you have to "unsubscribe" to the synchronisation first; otherwise you'll delete the folder for everyone. You can add secondary email addresses to your LRZ account using the browser interface.
* For Mac users: we recommend getting the Homebrew installation manager to help you install things, such as PyMol.
* See also the WannerWiki "EDV" [="computer stuff"] page for more info, e.g. installing the latest PyMol on Windows.
20230206: removed: Request a certificate of good conduct (Führungszeugnis nach §30 Abs. 5 BZRG zur Vorlage bei einer deutschen Behörde) in the local town hall where you are currently registered (for foreigners registered in Munich this will typically be at the KVR) and get it sent to LMU München Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung. This used to be Referat II.3, Raum 201 Leopoldstr. 3, 80802 Munich; check with Christin as it is changing at the moment.