Before Starting BSc / F-Prak / MSc
Email Oliver CC your supervisor, with your project title, start date in the lab, projected end date in lab, planned hand-in date of the report/thesis, and your CV and university grades (Notenspiegel). With this we can serve you with a reference later.
When Starting BSc / F-Prak / MSc
See general New Arrivals page.
- Print off a Laufzettel (Laufzettel for MSc / PhD / postdocs; Laufzettel for interns incl BSc, F-Prak, HiWi).
- Your introduction is complete when the Laufzettel is completed (hand to OTS/supervisor).
Finishing Internship
Write your report rapidly! Don't leave it for later: it only gets harder, and you won't get to work together with your supervisor on improving your report (which is the whole learning experience, and which you will need for your MSc / PhD) if they've moved on from the topic and have other interns to take care of.
Your supervisor will have many example reports to show you, for inspiration on content / formatting / template for standard sections.
When your supervisor has worked through your report, get them to fill out your evaluation sheet (Pharm BSc, Pharm MSc, Chem OC-F) or write a textual evaluation (Chem BSc, Chem MSc).